/** @example
* pdq.init("MyModel")
* // returns 2
* /
* Call this to initialize PDQ before creating a model.
* @param {string} name - The name of the model.
* @return {string} the C return value
function init(name) {
return ccall('PDQ_Init', "number", ["string"])(arguments);
Module.init = init;
* Creates an open queuing system with a given arrival rate.
* @param {string} name - The name of the model.
* @param {number} lambda - The arrival rate.
function createOpen(name, lambda) {
return ccall('PDQ_CreateOpen', null, ["string", "number"])(arguments);
Module.createOpen = createOpen;
* Creates a closed queuing workload with a given number of users, a think time, and either BATCH or TERM class.
* @param {string} name - The name to give the workload.
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass - The worload class, either pdq.BATCH or pdq.TERM.
* @param {number} N - The number of active users in the system.
* @param {number} Z - The average think time between requests for a user.
function createClosed(name, shouldBeClass, N, Z) {
return ccall('PDQ_CreateClosed', null, ["string", "number", "number", "number"])(arguments);
Module.createClosed = createClosed;
* Creates a multiserver (open or closed) queue.
* @param {number} servers - The number of servers.
* @param {string} name - The name of system.
* @param {DeviceType} deviceType - The kind of system, either pdq.MSO or pdq.MSC.
* @param {Discipline} schedule - The queueing schedule.
function createMultiNode(servers, name, deviceType, schedule) {
ccall('PDQ_CreateMultiNode', "number", ["number", "string", "number", "number"])(arguments);
Module.createMultiNode = createMultiNode;
* Creates a single queueing center in either a closed or open circuit
* @param {string} name - The name of the queueing center.
* @param {DeviceType} device - The kind of center, open or closed.
* @param {Discipline} schedule - The queueing discipline.
function createNode(name, device, schedule) {
ccall('PDQ_CreateNode', null, ["string", "number", "number"])(arguments);
Module.createNode = createNode;
* Set the demand ofload at a specified node a particular node
* @param {string} name - The name of the node.
* @param {string} workload - The name of the workload. For example, "requests", or "customers".
* @param {number} time - The workload, eg 400 for 400 Requests per second.
function setDemand(name, workload, time) {
ccall('PDQ_SetDemand', null, ["string", "string", "number"])(arguments);
Module.setDemand = setDemand;
// Define the service demand in terms of the service time and visit count.
* @param {string} nodeName The name of the node on which to set the service demand.
* @param {string} workName The name of the worload to set.
* @param {number} visits The number of visits, in the work unit (eg 5 jobs).
* @param {number} service The service time, in the time unit (eg per hour).
function setVisits(nodeName, workName, visits, service) {
ccall('PDQ_SetVisits', null, ["string", "string", "number", "number"])(arguments);
Module.setVisits = setVisits;
* Set the work unit.
* @param {string} unitName The work unit, eg: jobs, customers, orders.
function setWUnit(unitName) {
ccall('PDQ_SetWUnit', null, ["string"])(arguments);
Module.setWUnit = setWUnit;
* Set the time unit.
* @param {string} unitName The time unit, eg: minutes, seconds, hours, years.
function setTUnit(unitName) {
ccall('PDQ_SetTUnit', null, ["string"])(arguments);
Module.setTUnit = setTUnit;
* Add a comment to the report. Useful as a way to add a note to them model.
* @param {string} comment
function setComment(comment) {
ccall('PDQ_SetComment', null, ["string"])(arguments);
Module.setComment = setComment;
* Read a comment written into the model, if one was set earlier by setComment().
function getComment() {
ccall('PDQ_GetComment', "string", [])();
Module.getComment = getComment;
* Solve the model for its characteristics, passing in the intended solving method.
* @param {SolutionMethod} method The method to use to calculate the solution.
function solve(method) {
ccall('PDQ_Solve', "number", ["number"])(arguments);
Module.solve = solve;
* Print the report. Currently goes to the console.log, but this will be fixed in
* an upcoming release.
function report() {
//TODO: trap the stdout output and return it as a string from this function
ccall('PDQ_Report', null, [])();
Module.report = report;
* Print the nodes in the model.
function printNodes() {
//TODO: trap the stdout output and return it as a string from this function
ccall('print_nodes', null, [])();
Module.printNodes = printNodes;
* Get the number of created streams.
* @return {number} The number of created streams
function getStreamCount() {
ccall('PDQ_GetStreamsCount', "number", [])();
Module.getStreamCount = getStreamCount;
* Get the number of created nodes.
* @return {number} The number of created nodes
function getNodesCount() {
ccall('PDQ_GetNodesCount', "number", [])();
Module.getNodesCount = getNodesCount;
* Returns the system response time for the specified workload
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass either TERM, TRANS or BATCH.
* @param {string} wName the name of the workload
function getResponse(shouldBeClass, wName) {
ccall('PDQ_GetResponse', "number", ["number", "string"])(arguments);
Module.getResponse = getResponse;
* Returns the device residence time for the specified workload
* @param {string} device
* @param {string} work
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass
function getResidenceTime(device, work, shouldBeClass) {
ccall('PDQ_GetResidenceTime', "number", ["string", "string", "number"])(arguments);
Module.getResidenceTime = getResidenceTime;
* Returns the system throughput for the specified workload
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass
* @param {string} wName
function getThruput(shouldBeClass, wName) {
ccall('PDQ_GetThruput', "number", ["number", "string"])(arguments);
Module.getThruput = getThruput;
* Returns the optimal user load for the specified workload
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass
* @param {string} wName
function getLoadOpt(shouldBeClass, wName) {
ccall('PDQ_GetLoadOpt', "number", ["number", "string"])(arguments);
Module.getLoadOpt = getLoadOpt;
* Get the utilization of a device.
* @param {string} device The device name
* @param {string} work The name of the workload
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass The type of the workload
function getUtilization(device, work, shouldBeClass) {
ccall('PDQ_GetUtilization', "number", ["string", "string", "number"])(arguments);
Module.getUtilization = getUtilization;
* Get the average queue length of a device.
* @param {string} device The device name
* @param {string} work The workload
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass The type of the workload
function getQueueLength(device, work, shouldBeClass) {
ccall('PDQ_GetQueueLength', "number", ["string", "string", "number"])(arguments);
Module.getQueueLength = getQueueLength;
* Get the maximum throughput of a workload
* @param {Workload} shouldBeClass The type of the workload.
* @param {string} wName The name of the workload.
function getThruMax(shouldBeClass, wName) {
ccall('PDQ_GetThruMax', "number", ["number", "string"])(arguments);
Module.getThruMax = getThruMax;
* Set the debug mode on/off
* @param {number} mode Either 1 or 0.
function setDebug(mode) {
ccall('PDQ_SetDebug', null, ["number"])(arguments);
Module.setDebug = setDebug;
Module.log = []
Module.print = (text) => {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
text = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(' ');
Module.log += text;
Module.clearLog = () => { Module.log = [] }
const VOID = 0;
Module.VOID = VOID; // Queueing Network Types
/** {number} An open queueing network.*/
const OPEN = 1;
Module.OPEN = OPEN;
/** {number} An closed queueing network.*/
const CLOSED = 2;
/** @typedef {OPEN | CLOSED} NetworkType */
* A standard queueing center.
const CEN = 3;
Module.CEN = CEN;
/** An unspecified delay center. */
const DLY = 4;
Module.DLY = DLY;
/** A multi-server open queue (M/M/m) */
const MSO = 5;
Module.MSO = MSO;
/** @typedef {CEN | DLY | MSOC | MSC } DeviceType */
/** A Multi-server closed queue (M/M/m/N/N). Uses the FESC (flow equivalent service center) algorithm.*/
const MSC = 6; /* Multi-Server Closed M/M/m/N/N uses FESC algorithm */
Module.MSC = MSC;
/** An infinite server. */
const ISRV = 7;
Module.ISRV = ISRV;
/** {number} First-come first-serve queueing discipline. */
const FCFS = 8;
Module.FCFS = 8;
* {number} Processor sharing queueing discipline.*/
const PHSR = 9;
Module.PSHR = PHSR;
/** {number} Last-come first-serve queueing discipline.*/
const LCFS = 10;
Module.LCFS = LCFS;
/** @typedef {ISRV | FCFS | PHSR | LCFS} Discipline */
/**Terminal-style workload, where users have a non-zero think time.*/
const TERM = 11;
Module.TERM = TERM;
/**Deprecated */
const TRANS = 12;
/**Batch-style workload, where the think-time is 0; after a request is served it goes right back in the system without waiting. */
const BATCH = 13;
/** @typedef {TERM | TRANS | BATCH } Workload */
/** {number} Use the exact solution. For TERM, BATCH, and FESC workloads. */
Module.EXACT = 14; // for TERM ; BATCH & FESC workloads (NJG on Nov 16 , 2020)
/** {number} Approximate the solution. For large TERM and BATCH workloads. */
Module.APPROX = 15; // for large TERM and BATCH workloads
/** {number} Canonical solution for TRANS workloads in an OPEN network. */
Module.CANON = 16; // for TRANS workloads (OPEN network)
/** {number} Prep for multiclass MSO workloads (NJG on May 8 , 2016) */
Module.APPROXMSO = 17;
Module.VISITS = 18;
Module.DEMAND = 19;
// Alternative more accurate names for solver methods
// Added here for easier enumeration in PDQ 7.0 (NJG on Nov 18, 2020)
/** EXACT alternative */
const EXACTMVA = 20;
/**APPROX alternative */
const APPROXMVA = 21;
/** CANON alternative (connotes 'continuous' workflow) */
const STREAMING = 22;